Julian '26

School of Information Studies (iSchool)
Majors: Applied Data Analytics; Public Relations
Orange Trivia: His favorite Syracuse experience has been participating in the Weiss Center Benchmark trip to New York City, visiting companies such as Real Chemistry and NBCUniversal.
“I am extremely grateful for all the generous donors and everything they do for the campus community.”
Describe your Syracuse experience.
My Syracuse experience has been incredible. I am always trying to find new interests and learn new things, and all the opportunities at SU have allowed me to do so. As a dual major, I am learning skills that can help me succeed in various industries. In addition, the organizations that I am involved in allow me to expand my skillset, and the people I have connected with have made all my experiences even more meaningful.
How is the iSchool preparing you for your future career?
The iSchool is preparing me for my future career by allowing me to learn essential skills like SQL and Python. In addition, the professors I have built connections with, as well as the career center, have taught me how to use my skills to my advantage in internship and job searches and how to effectively network.
How has donor generosity impacted your time at Syracuse (if applicable)?
Donor generosity has impacted my time at Syracuse by allowing the organizations I am involved in to run successfully and provide the best experience possible to their members. I am extremely grateful for all the generous donors and everything they do for the campus community.
Why do you think giving is important?
I think giving is important because we, as students, are given so many opportunities to grow and find new interests, and giving back is a way of expressing gratitude. Giving back is part of what makes not only these four years but my whole life fulfilling, and I hope to take advantage of opportunities to do so. I strongly believe that giving back is always important, but it is even more so when you receive so much.
What does it mean to you to be Orange?
Being Orange means so much to me. Since stepping on campus in the fall of 2022, I have received many great opportunities and met amazing people. I am extremely thankful for everything SU has given me and excited to give back. I hope to continue making long-lasting connections that will help me stay Orange beyond my four years on campus.