Luke '25

Student Experience
Major: Broadcast & Digital Journalism
Minor: History
Orange Trivia: His grandfather and parents are alumni!
“Giving is important because it is how we continue to make Syracuse University one of the premier places in the country for young people.”
Describe your Syracuse experience.
My Syracuse experience has been everything I wanted and more. After wanting to go to Syracuse all my life, it has lived up to all my expectations and has set me up in a great position for the future.
Have you completed any internships and how have they impacted you?
I have had many internships during my college career including broadcasting for a local minor league baseball team near my hometown. These have helped me tremendously as I am getting real life experience learning how to work in a professional setting. I have also had internships where I have created different sports media content and learned how to produce my own content.
Have you studied abroad or away?
I was part of the Newhouse LA program last spring, and it was the best semester of college I have had so far. Along with getting to make great friends and enjoy my time in Los Angeles, I was able to network with people in my profession unlike anything I had ever done before. It truly got me prepared for what I am expecting to face when I enter the sports media industry after I graduate.
What has been your favorite Syracuse experience so far?
My favorite part of the Syracuse experience is how small it feels on campus. While we have tens of thousands of students, once you step onto campus, it feels like you see the same people over and over again. You are able to make friends that you will see continuously throughout your college career. That’s something I didn’t think was possible when I first came to Syracuse and saw how big of a campus it is.
Why do you think giving is important?
I think giving is important because it is how we continue to make Syracuse University one of the premier places in the country for young people to study and go to college. It is how we continue to stay on top and build towards the future while also being able to connect with alumni, so we don’t forget about the past.
What does it mean to you to be Orange?
To put it plainly, it means everything to me. My grandfather was Orange, along with both of my parents so it means so much to me to continue and follow their legacy. Aside from that, it also means a lot to follow in the footsteps of all the great alumni as I look forward to being able to come back and pay it forward to future Syracuse students when I can.