Kyra '26

Major: Television Radio and Film
Minor: Geology
Orange Trivia: Traveled with her team to Las Vegas for the Thanksgiving tournament last year where they won both games.
“Giving is important because what you give out is what you get back.”
Describe your Syracuse experience.
This has been the most chaotic, unplanned and rewarding (almost) 4 years of my life. I have had amazing experiences and have met so many unforgettable people throughout these years and I’m extremely grateful to be here.
How has being a student-athlete prepared you for your future after Syracuse?
I think the most valuable thing I’ve learned is about connections. When people say Syracuse is all about family, they mean that and it lasts throughout your life: undergrad, grad, alumni life, all of it. I’ve witnessed It firsthand, and it is extremely comforting to know I have a family waiting for me after I walk across the stage.
How has your involvement with athletics at Syracuse impacted you?
Support staff from Syracuse Athletics have been a game changer for me. Sports is one of the things that make me, me. I think being part of another community besides the general body with like-minded people going through similar things is extremely helpful.
Why did you choose to attend and compete for Syracuse?
I chose to attend Syracuse due to location. I wanted to be closer to my family and during freshman year at another institution I realized that no matter the situation, the team, the coach, there’s nothing like having the backbone of your family close by.
How has donor support impacted your time at Syracuse?
Having support and donors to that help build the brand and family around our team and helps us be able to have great experiences like going to Las Vegas or going to Florida like we are doing this year.
Why do you think giving is important?
I think giving is important because what you give out is what you get back. My mom has always taught me that, my grandma has and now so does Coach Jack so I truly believe in giving especially to those who need it.
What does it mean to you to be Orange?
To be Orange means to be a part of a family no matter what. It means to have another name on the back of my jersey outside of my own. It means to be a part of something bigger than myself and even my family.