Investing in the Bedrock of Discovery: New Endowed Professorship in Quantum Science
Date Published: 05-11-2022
Kathy Walters ’73 and her husband, Stan ’72, can look back over 50 years and easily track the impact Syracuse University had on their lives, but their newest gift to their alma mater looks far into the future, for generations to come. “We are investing in the people who do the research that will lead to discoveries that make our world a better place, even decades from now,” says Walters. “Great professors are generation-creators. They impact students and society over decades, even beyond their own lifetimes.”
The new gift establishes the Kathy and Stan Walters Endowed Professorship for Quantum Science to support the research, salary and teaching of a professor inside the physics department in the College of Arts and Sciences and to promote the study of quantum sciences. Because the gift is part of the Forever Orange Faculty Excellence Program, the University amplifies the power of their philanthropy.
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